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SClock V1.72 (DOC)
Rune Johnsrud / (c) 1994 Pork Soda Softworks
The author of this program is not in any way responsible for any
damage caused by this software WHAT SO EVER!!!
This version of SClock (and it's source code) is FREEWARE, so you
can give it to anyone you want. It should be distributed as
FREEWARE, and anyone can include it in their PD library (or
something similar), as long as they charge only a minor fee for
copying, and as long as all the files in the archive accompany it
(and the archive contents remains unchanged!!!).
Fred Fish is also allowed to include this program in his excellent
PD library.
Computer magazines and other computer publications are NOT allowed
to include it with their product without my written permission!!!!
What do you need to use SClock:
You will need:
* One (or more) Amiga(s) (!)
* A MC68020 processor (or higher),
(SClock has been extensively tested on A1200,A4000 030 and
A4000 040.)
* At least Kickstart V3.0 (V39) (or higher).
Things you DON'T really need:
* Some nice fonts
* Some nice IFF/GIF/BMP/JPEG/PCX pictures...
Getting started:
To install this version of SClock, just copy the main executable
(SClock), and one of the supplied icons (SClockAnalog.info,
SClockDigital.info or SClock.info) to the desired directory and
rename the chosen icon to Sclock.info if a MUI icon is used.
(SClockAnalog.info has of course a default analog setup and
SClockDigital.info a default digital setup.)
This program is "A Workbench ONLY" program, so to be able to use
it, it's important that the original icon (or a "similar" copy)
accompanies the executable.
Using SClock:
To start SClock just double click on it's icon, and if everything
starts ok, a "window" that contains the current system time will
appear. The appearence of the display window depends upon which of
the two diplay types has been selected, "ANALOG" or "DIGITAL".
If an error message appears or it just won't start, read on.
To quit SClock, activate the clock window, and select the
"Project/Quit" menu item, or press "Right Amiga Q".
Configuring SClock:
SClock allows you to make a lot of changes to it's "original"
appearance. Just read on and you will find out more about the
different configuration possibilities.
All the different configuration possibilities are accessible
trough the "SClock.info" icon file. Use the Workbench
"Icon/Information" program to edit the different tool types. Some
of the different configuration options are also accessible through
the menu that accompanies the clock window. (Click on the
ClockWindow, press the right mouse button and a menu will appear).
All the different tool type values have internal default settings,
so if you REM away all/or some tool types the internal defaults
will be used.
The different tool types are:
This will allow you to start SClock from the WBStartup drawer.
* PUBSCREEN=<pubscreenname>
This allows you to start (put) the clock on any public
screen that is open. The name must be spelled right
(case is IMPORTANT). If no name is specified,
the Workbench screen (or default public screen) will
be used.
If it fails to open on the specified public screen,
it will display this error message:
"Couldn't lock specified public screen".
Check the "pubscreenname" you have specified,
and try again.
This option specifies what type of display you want.
The different options are: "ANALOG" or "DIGITAL".
Depending on what kind of "CLOCKTYPE" you have specified,
other different options might not work, and others may start
working. Look at the SClock_ToolTypes.DOC file too se which
tooltypes that are "active" when selecting the different
This option allows you to define a bulk of general flags
(or settings).
SHOWDATE specifies if the current date should be
SHOWSEC specifies if the seconds of the current time
should be dsiplayed.
EDGEBEVEL specifies if a bevel box should be drawn
around the time/date display. (Colors/Pens used are
specified using the "SHINEPEN" and "SHADOWPEN"
If this flag is not disabled, no bevel edge will be drawn.
This is especially useful together with the "BACKDROPWIN"
BACKDROPWIN specifies if the clock display is a
BACKDROPWINDOW or a normal window.
If you always want your clock display to stay at the
bottom, activate this tooltype.
LOCKPOS specifies whether you will be able to move the clock
display around or not.
To enable/disable the different options, do the following:
|| ||
\/ \/
/\ /\
|| ||
* LEFTPOS=<xpos>
This number specifies the leftmost position of the
clock when it is started. Default is 0.
This option is also adjustable from SClock.
* TOPPOS=<ypos>
This number specifies the top position of the clock
window when it is started. Default is 0.
This option is also adjustable from SClock.
* WIDTH=<xsize>
The width of the "ANALOG" clock display window in pixels.
Default is 100, minimum is 50.
* HEIGHT=<ysize>
The height of the "ANALOG" clock display window in pixels.
Default is 100, minimum is 50.
* FONTNAME=<fontname.font>
This option specifies which font the time/date text
will be displayed with when the clock is started.
Default is "topaz.font".
If SClock fails to open the font, it will display
the following error message:
"Couldn't open specified font".
Check the specified font name, and try again.
This option is also "adjustable" from SClock.
* FONTSIZE=<ysize>
This option specifies the YSize of the font used.
Default is 8.
This option is also "adjustable" from SClock.
* TEXTPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number (colour number) that the time/date
text will be displayed with (range 0-255).
Default is 1.
* BGPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number (colour number) that the background
will be displayed with (range 0-255).
Default is 3.
If this tooltype is not present, no bevel edge will be drawn.
This is especially useful together with the "BACKDROPWIN"
* SHINEPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number (colour number) that the left/top
border will be displayed with (range 0-255).
Default is 2.
* SHADOWPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number (colour number) that the right/bottom
border will be displayed with (range 0-255).
Default is 1.
DIGITAL Tooltypes:
No flags are available in the present version
* DATEFORMAT=<format-num>
This option specifies the format of the date display string.
Defalt is 0.
The different formats are:
Format 0: "dd.mmm.yyyy" - Ex: 31.May.1993
Format 1: "dd.mmm.yy" - Ex: 31.May.93
Format 2: "dd.mm.yyyy" - Ex: 31.05.1993
Format 3: "dd.mm.yy" - Ex: 31.05.93
* DATESEPARATOR=<separator-char>
This option specifies the character that will be used to
separate the Day/Month/Year strings. Default is ".".
Specifying a "-" char will produce a display like this:
* DATESPACING=<num_of_chars>
This option specifies the amount of "blank" space that will
appear between the time and date display. Default is 2.
* TIMESEPARATOR=<separator-char>
This option specifies the character that will be used to
separate the Hour/Minute/Second numbers. Default is ":".
Specifying a "/" char will produce a display like this:
ANALOG ToolTypes:
This option allows you to define a bulk of Analog flags
(or settings).
PLACECLOCK specifies if the clockdial can be indipendantly
moved around inside the render box.
To control the exact placement, use the "CLOCKLEFT",
Experiment with the settings and see what happens!!!!
SHOWDIAL specifies if the clock dial should be drawn or
AUTOSIZE specifies if the clock display render box should
be automatically sized to fit any backdrop picture
selected (overides the "WIDTH" and "HEIGHT" settings).
To enable/disable the different options, do the following:
/\ /\
|| ||
* BACKDROP=<picture_name>
Specifies path/filename for any picture that you want as a backdrop
on your "ANALOG" clock display window.
The parsing of the pictures is done by datatypes, and only picture
types that you have datatypes for will be used and/or displayed.
* EDGESPACING=<pixels>
The number of pixels used as spacing between the display window
edge and the "edge" of the clock dial.
* MINXSCALE=<scale_factor>
The number specified is used as to define the X size of the large
5 min. indicator dots.
* MINYSCALE=<scale_factor>
The number specified is used as to define the Y size of the large
5 min. indicator dots.
* CLOCKLEFT=<x_pos>
This number specifies the left position of the clock dial inside
the display window when it is started. Default is 0.
* CLOCKTOP=<y_pos>
This number specifies the top position of the clock dial inside
the display window when it is started. Default is 0.
* CLOCKWIDTH=<x_size>
The width of the clock dial in pixels.
Default is 50.
The height of the clock dial in pixels.
Default is 50.
* MINSMALLPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the small minute indicator
dots will be displayed with. Default is 1.
* MINLARGEPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the large 5 minute indicator
dots will be displayed with. Default is 3.
* SECPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the second indicator will be
displayed with. Default is 1.
* MINPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the minute indicator will be
displayed with. Default is 0.
* HOURPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the hour indicator will be
displayed with. Default is 0.
* DIALPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the clock dial will be
displayed with.
* DIALOUTILINEPEN=<pen-number>
Specifies the pen number that the dial outline will be
displayed with.
Experiment with the different tool types to satisfy your personal taste.
SClock menus:
If you activate the clock window and press the right mouse button
(menu button), the SClock menus will appear.
They are:
* Project/About [Right Amiga ?]
Upon selecting this menu item, a window will appear
that contains info about SClock.
* Project/Quit [Right Amiga Q]
Selecting this quits SClock, (the clock window will close
and all used resources will be freed!! (I hope)).
* Settings/Font [Right Amiga F]
Selecting this menu item enables you to select a new font
that will be used to display the time/date text.
The Asl Font requester is used to display the different
fonts available.
If you select "OK", the clock window will close, and
then re-open, with the new font.
If you select "Cancel", the old font will be used.
This menu item is only available when the "DIGITAL"
clock display is used.
* Settings/Backdrop [Right Amiga B]
Selecting this menu item enables you to select a new
backdrop that will be used as a background picture in
the clock display.
The Asl File requester is used to display the different
backdrops available (only the picture file types that you
have datatypes for will be displayed!!!).
If you select "OK", the clock window will close, and
then re-open, with the new backdrop.
If you select "Cancel", the old backdrop will be used.
* Settings/Save Settings [Right Amiga S]
Selecting this menu item will snapshot the current window
position, selected font and font size and or backdrop
picture, and save these settings in the "SClock.info" icon file
(Edit it and see!!)..
SClock will put up different requesters when it encounters
problems, and I hope that the displayed messages will clarify what
went wrong.
If you have enabled the "SHOWDATE" option and you select a LARGE
font (75-128 pts), SClock will display a message that says that
the window is to large, and that it will be truncated. You will
now be able to only see the clock as long as the font makes the
window to large. But at the moment you select a font that makes
it possible for the window to fit into the current screen, the
date information will be displayed again.
Misc stuff:
The number of configuration combinations you can achieve, makes it
possible to make a lot of different "looks". And don't hesitate
to experiment with the different tool types to make it appear
just as YOU want it!!
Another thing that I just want to mention is that SClock uses less
CPU time than any other clock I have seen so far. (Atleast the
ones that are system friendly...)
SClock Source code:
Since it only took a couple of days to write this program, I though
that I might release the source code as well.
It's not well documented (if documented at all), and not really
that well written.
To compile it you will need SAS/C 6.0 (preferably SAS/C 6.3).
Last but not least:
This version of SClock was written on an A4000-030 (Standard eqpt),
using the following tools:
* SAS/C 6.5 - The best (and only).
* CygnusEd V3.5 - Yeah... I need speed!!!
* MakeIndex - (System function/struct lookup system for CEd).
* DOpus V4.10 - The ultimate DIR util...
Credits 'n' other stuff:
Here are the usual credits............
Thanks to:
* Lars Hamre - The guy that wanted this program in the first place
* Anders Hamre - For seeing and liking, bass, and good times
* Kim Jensen - For just being Kim.
* Henning H. - The PC freak of this century (maker of SBStudio).
* Stig J. - For having a drivers licence, playing the bass-guitar,
and generally being a nice fellow
* Arild Skullerud - For painting MUI style icons.
Tor Einar Jarnbjo, Morten W. Lund, Øystein Hungerholt (sound friend),
Amiga Forum (the only serious alternative),
Commodore (for not leaving us, yet!), etc........
* With inspiration from:
Genesis, Yes, ELP, Fish, Marillion, Primus, Rush, Brand-X,
King Crimson, Sylvian/Fripp, Percy Jones, Allan Holdsworth,
Mick Karn....
Greetings to all fellow Prog Rockers out there, we are a
dying breed.
I hope you find this program useful....
If you want to contact me, write to:
Rune Johnsrud
Skogveien 16
(Sorry, no BBS numbers, EMAIL, etc.....)
/* End Of File */